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Associate Professor Maurice Meade

South Australia Councillor

DClinDent (Ortho), MDPH, LLM (Med law & ethics), BDS, MFDS RCS(Eng), MOrth RCS(Edin), FDS RCS(Edin)

A/Prof Maurice Meade graduated in dentistry and completed his orthodontic training from University College Cork, Ireland. In between, he practiced general and hospital dentistry for many years in Ireland, the United Kingdom and Australia. In 2013 he emigrated from with his Adelaide born wife and two young daughters to South Australia. 

In 2021, he was appointed to the PR Begg Chair in Orthodontics at the University of Adelaide. He is also a visiting orthodontic consultant to the Adelaide Dental Hospital. Previously, he has served in many different membership capacities of the ASO SA State Branch Council and the ASOFRE committee. Outside of work he enjoys spending time with his family, most sports (especially playing soccer and supporting Manchester United), music and the great South Australian outdoors.